
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” Christopher Reeve
Our goal is to create the largest online platform of disabled led content within the next five years. Yes, it's an ambitious plan, however we are perfectly placed to make it happen through not only the resource and contacts we have within the TV & Film industry, but due to the unique way we are positioned at the heart of the disabled community.

Our creators
We've been recruiting some of the best talent across the disabled community that will be producing vibrant content for our platform.
Our content will be as diverse as the people that make it, ranging from sports & fitness, lifestyle, food, business & entrepreneurship, relationships, health & wellbeing and more.
For brands and organisations, there's an amazing opportunity to support this content by sponsoring a film by one of our creators. This will not only help align your brand with something positive, but given the dynamic range of topics we cover, you'll be able to find something that is relevant to your own organisation's values.